The Guide to Your Day of Ketamine Infusion Therapy
Are you wondering what to expect during the day of infusion? There is a TON of information and questions that we know you may be asking… or are about to ask… or will ask when you see an answer to a question. Wouldn’t it be great if professionals who care took the time to write it down for you?
Wow, that was oddly prescient
Welcome to your guide to not only explain what you can expect, but also what you can do to improve your experience and achieve a better result with your therapy. Reset Restore MD, S.C. is devoted to bringing you the best ketamine infusion in Wisconsin and we hope this guide will help you and your loved ones as you consider your journey.

Timing and Scheduling
Please be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. Also, be sure to notify staff if there have been health or prescription changes since your telehealth visit with your healthcare provider. Your first appointment will likely take around 90 minutes including the 40-minute infusion. It is normal to need a few minutes after the infusion is done before leaving and we welcome patients who are too unsteady to immediately walk outside to hang out on our couches while they gather themselves. Don’t worry – it’s not an inconvenience!
You cannot drive home, so be sure to have rides arranged. Once you get home, it will take anywhere from a few hours to the entire afternoon for the effects of the ketamine therapy to subside. Don’t fill the rest of your infusion day with important chores. Most people have a peaceful and calm day as they experience some of their first moments without their constant issues plaguing them. Some report feeling very tired by the early evening. Save the Housework Hero cape for another day and let’s just focus on you.
So how does Ketamine work?
Simply put, it works in two ways at once.
First, it creates a biochemical effect that works across your brain to repair what years of depression, anxiety, or other issues have done to transform and imprint bad wiring in your brain. Think of it like this: if you walk in a circle on a field of grass, the grass will bend but not break. Walk in that circle for 24 hours straight and that grass may be damaged. Do it for years and you don’t have grass – you have a dirt rut. That is kind of what depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health issues can do to your brain at a physical, anatomical level. Ketamine will repair those ruts in your brain with clean, fresh soil and seed to allow your brain to Reset and Restore itself on a physical level. It stimulates new neuronal connections that will give you an unfair advantage against your mental health diagnosis.
Second, it opens up a door for patients to experience a journey during their infusion unlike any they may have ever experienced. This can be very different for different people. Among the best piece of advice that we can give someone, in general, is to never anchor your expectations about this process, but especially the journey, to some specific way it should look like: it probably won’t. A significant amount of our patients who battle depression report a “lifting” of the clouds. This is great! But it doesn’t always happen on the first infusion or even the second. Some patients experience a more steady incremental healing process while others have a radical shift in their symptoms all at once. Be open to the journey!
What do I think about during a ketamine infusion?
Whatever you want, but it is normal to find your mind wandering: we say go for it! If possible, jot down some notes about the topics covered and any insights gained along the way. Sometimes people bring in a specific list of things that they want to think about. That is fine and we do not discourage it, but we try to encourage folks to be more open to the journey and where it takes them than where they may think they want to go. You may experience moments of clarity as things fall into place. This is fantastic! But the thought process that got you there may not be accessible after your therapy. If it is important, be sure to write it down.
Emotions: What to expect and how to handle them?
It is not unusual to have a strong emotional reaction during a session, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. Either way, that does not necessarily mean that you have a bad session! Sometimes confronting our emotions and the issues that provoke them can be critical to jump-starting the healing process. Try to think about why you are experiencing these emotions, if possible, and dig into them. Obviously, if they are too much to handle then please immediately notify a nearby provider. Just remember that you are in a safe place with a team of caring professionals.
What if I have a "bad trip" on ketamine?
Ketamine is a very safe controlled substance and while there are no studies about the number of “bad trips”, claims put them at around the 1% mark. Keep in mind that experiencing negative emotions or confronting bad memories can also be a natural part of the healing process. Even so, if it becomes too much to handle please immediately notify a member of our team. You are in a safe space. We got this.
Be sure to be as rested as possible! Don’t save that last project for the night before and be sure to get good rest and sleep. Also, lay off those energy drinks on the day of your infusion.
It is extremely important that you are in the right state of mind: avoid conflict during the day leading up to your session. We will do everything possible to put you in a positive place, but please help us and save the argument about laundry or work for another day!
A few helpful suggestions that we can make is to recall the simple things that you are grateful for. Recall a favorite hobby, reading a favorite book, or what it would be like to meet your favorite character in person. Tell yourself to r-e-l-a-x and embrace the experience. You are not only a ketamine patient, you are about to become an explorer.
You will not be given your scheduled infusion if you show up under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. If you do, expect a cancellation and reschedule along with missed appointment fees. When it comes to alcohol, this means absolute sobriety: so don’t go hard the night before. If you have questions about whether your prescribed medications will pose a problem, please be sure to ask your provider during your telehealth session, send us a message, or call at least 48 hours prior to your appointment to avoid any issues.
What to wear
This is not a fashion competition and you will not be judged by your statement clothing. We strongly recommend comfortable-fitting clothing that will still allow our providers access to start the infusion therapy. Some patients have reported that they prefer to wear shoes that are light and do not weigh too much as they have experienced the sensation that they are pulling them down too much. Your mileage may vary, but that is real patient feedback.
What to bring
Government-Issued Photo ID
This will be used to verify identity upon check-in. Please be sure to present it at the front desk and understand that it is for your protection that they insist on seeing it.
If you want to listen to your own music then be sure to bring your headphones. Just remember that when we stop in to check up on you, if you don’t see us and you cannot hear us, we will need to interrupt you to make sure that you are ok! Music selection tips: leave the aggressive stuff behind and opt for something more instrumental and ambient. If you plan on listening to music the entire time be sure to build a playlist for at least 40 minutes.
We also recommend bringing a blanket in case you feel cold or chilly because it is nice to have options.
Something to write on and with
Some patients have loved to write down notes and thoughts that pass through their heads during therapy. We think that is a great idea. People who do this seem to strongly prefer a pen or pencil along with a spiral notebook or legal pad instead of a cell phone to fumble and drop.
We stock a great selection of refreshments, but if there is a particular brand of bottled water that you cannot accept substitutes on, be sure to bring it.
Silence the phone
Please put your phone on silent. That does not mean taking it down two clicks or throwing it over to vibrate so that it can rattle across the floor. During infusion, patients can become very sensitive to sensory input and the slightest distraction can alter an entire session. If your phone rings, you will be given a warning. If it rings again, we will need to confiscate it like a disappointed parent until you leave. If it persists across two appointments, you may be asked to leave it in your car or with our staff. You have been warned!
Writing and Journaling
We did already mention bringing something to write with and on in our “What to Bring” section. Because this has proven to be such an effective tool, we wanted to single it out. While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, if there are specific issues that you want to think about during an infusion, then it is a great idea to not only write those down but also to give yourself a spot to write what you come up with. The results may shock you. Additionally, you can then chart your progress between sessions as you plot your trajectory on tackling serious and complex issues with the assistance of ketamine.
But you don’t need to come in with anything in particular either. Your mind may wander: let it! Jotting down some thoughts that come to mind may prove insightful both during and after your session.
Ride home
You will not be up for doing much of anything for at least a few hours afterward, and you will 100% not be safe to drive home. All patients are required to arrange transportation, whether with a friend or family member or just a rideshare app. We want you safe!
Ketamine Works! But not 100% of the time
We have done the homework and have seen firsthand the amazing life-changing effects that ketamine can have for people. But we also know that it does not work 100% of the time. Some people experience life-changing results on their very first infusion while others take the full course of treatment and make more incremental progress. We hope you are in the first group, and a lot of people are, but you may be in the second group. About 10%-30% of people, however, are in a third group who experience little to no measurable improvement in their symptoms. Odds are, if you have completed three of your six infusions and still do not feel better, the last three infusions are not very likely to change much. You will need to speak with your healthcare provider to determine whether you wish to move forward or not with your remaining infusions. If you choose to cancel the remainder of your sessions, we offer a 100% refund on any unused sessions back to the person who paid.