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Thought About Trying Ketamine, But Don’t Know What Kind Is Right For You?

At Reset Restore, we strongly believe IV ketamine infusions are the best method. Why? There are many reasons:

  • Works Fast

    Many patients report feeling dramatic positive effects in their first infusion.

  • Effective Longer

    Treatments are typically six or fewer and provide relief for years.

  • Safe, With Fewer Side Effects

    Decades of research back up the use of IV ketamine, and there are far fewer side effects than other medicinal treatments.

  • Optimal Dosage

    Every body is different, so every patient gets customized dosing to ensure maximum benefit.

Get Long Lasting Relief Fast

IV Ketamine can be effective for up to 70% of patients, and does not require long-term use. Most treatment regimens are just six sessions, and many patients start feeling relief with just one dose. Relief can last for years, with some people never needing treatment again.

Minimal Side Effects

The most common side effects with IV Ketamine are temporary dizziness and dissociation. Those side effects subside within minutes of treatment ending. Other treatments for depression and anxiety, including oral and nasal ketamine, produce more side effects and those side effects are more long-lasting. Many patients who have tried other treatments but had too many side effects turn to IV Ketamine for relief.

Minimum Side Effects IV Ketamine Oral Ketamine Nasal Ketamine Standard
No Prolonged Dizziness Checkmark icon X icon X icon Checkmark icon X icon
No Prolonged Dissociation Checkmark icon X icon X icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
No Dependence Checkmark icon X icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
No Prolonged Sedation Checkmark icon X icon X icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
No Nausea X icon X icon X icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
No Vertigo Checkmark icon X icon X icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon
No Sexual Dysfunction Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon X icon Checkmark icon
No Weight Changes Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon X icon Checkmark icon
No Brain Fog Checkmark icon Checkmark icon Checkmark icon X icon Checkmark icon

Customized Dosing = Optimized Experience

Ketamine helps “reset” your brain for lasting relief. Other forms of ketamine come in standardized low dosages that are often not enough for the lasting benefits possible with ketamine. At Reset Restore, we customize the dose so you get exactly what your body requires so you get fast and long lasting relief.

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