5 other things I can do to help with my depression
Depression can take away the pleasure in things you once enjoyed or make simple tasks feel completely unmanageable. In the depths of depression, things may seem unbearable or too difficult but I am here to tell you, YOU CAN DO IT and we are here for you.
Other than ketamine, what else can I do for my depression?
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy, also called CBT, aims to break negative thought patterns and improve self-esteem. The goal of CBT is to become aware of our negative thought patterns and form new, positive thoughts, attitudes, and expectations. CBT is done with a psychotherapist or therapist.
You can speak with your healthcare provider about medications used to treat depression. Generally, these medications are called antidepressants. Often, these medications are used in combination with other treatments. It can take several weeks for the effects of antidepressants to become noticeable. The dose may need to be adjusted as well. People should take their antidepressant every day and should avoid abruptly stopping the medication(s). It is important to have routine follow up with your healthcare provider when taking antidepressant medications.
Relaxation techniques and yoga
There is some evidence that yoga and other relaxation techniques can lessen the symptoms of depression. These interventions are typically not as effective as CBT and medications but may still offer some improvement.
Not only is exercise good for your physical health but mental as well. Regular exercise may help ease depression by releasing feel-good endorphins. This can naturally help boost your mood and energy levels. Additionally, exercise can provide a distraction to worrying thoughts, gain confidence, and provide a healthy way to cope.
Brain stimulation therapy
Brain stimulation therapy is reserved for patients with severe depression that has not been successfully treated by other interventions or for depression with psychosis. Types of brain stimulation therapy include electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS).
Wondering if Ketamine therapy is right for you? Contact us today to set up a consultation at one of our Wisconsin locations.