Why do some people have a bad trip? How do I prevent that?
Ketamine is a dissociative medication. A dissociative medication is a medication that causes you to feel separate or detached from their body or physical environment. Dissociative medications can cause hallucinations and other changes in thoughts and emotions. This means that ketamine can create a state of euphoria and provides a sense of detachment from reality. It is likely quite different than anything you have ever experienced before. But don’t let that scare you away. Ketamine has been around since the 1960s. Ketamine is a very safe medication when appropriately administered.
Because everyone’s ketamine experience is different from each other, there is a chance you may encounter a challenging or terrible one. Should that happen, your experienced staff at Reset Restore MD will assist you in navigating through that experience. Ketamine therapy can stir up strong emotions. If things get too overwhelming, focus on your greatest tool, your breath to calm yourself down.
Another strategy is exploring, why does this frighten me? Take that fear and turn it into curiosity, explore and feel the feelings. What do you feel when you’re not reacting with fear? Facing your emotions is an important part of healing and moving in a positive light.
The best advice we can give before is to go into this with an open mind. Embrace the journey. The staff at Reset Restore MD will assist you in this journey. At Reset Restore MD, we ensure your dose is specific to you and provide a monitored setting with trained healthcare providers rendering a more positive and healing experience.
Wondering if Ketamine therapy is right for you? Contact us today to set up a consultation at one of our Wisconsin locations.